The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Hello valued customers!
We need to remind folks that if you order, you MUST pick it up on Wednesday or make immediate arrangements to get your things as soon as possible.
Our farm is not equipped to handle excess produce and cannot guarantee the quality of items not picked up. Our farmers responsibility ends when they drop your items off. Ashleigh and I are volunteers of the market and have a farm and family to also attend to. WE LOVE the market, but want it to flourish and not suffer due to the market having to pay farmers for items ordered and not picked up.
Everyone completely understands the occasional forget and there is always a measure of grace that is extended to managers, customers and farmers. We are all human.
However, if you order and don’t pick up, be advised that you will be charged for your purchase via a square invoice emailed to you. You must pay that even if you never pick up your items.
Thank you for your continued support and for respecting our wonderful market and it’s producers.
Tracey Burks
Ashleigh Newnes
Stones River Market
Happy Independence Day!
Stones River Market
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Freedom is a wonderful thing and a true blessing but with much responsibility to our communities and neighbors and local producers/makers and business people! Freedom’s pricetag is a good burden to have: caring for each other and the bigger picture!
As always, thank you for choosing Stones River Market. This is truly a community market and we love what we do for you!
Plenty of summer veg from Flying S Farm and White City Produce
Have you tried Seeds of Success seasonings on roasted corn? You may find yourself slightly addicted!!
Don’t forget the dogs in your life! Nom Noms is dedicated to providing quality, researched nutrition treats for your loved ones. Your dogs will beg for them!
The weather may be hot, but a second planting of herbs, flowers and veggies (or even a first planting for some) can still happen!
Rainbow Hill Dogwood Valley Greenhouse Sweetpea and White City Produce may still have what you are looking for!
Erdmann Farms has absolutely GORGEOUS cut flowers!!
The Stones River Market L & L Contractors market bags are still available for purchase. Through the month of July, all $100 purchases receive one FREE bag. No limit through the month. If you spend $100 each week, then you receive a bag each time. Use them, share them… your choice! Thank you!
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
FLOWERS for the Fourth!
Stones River Market
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
It’s So dang hot!! We know it happens annually in Tennessee but it’s always near debilitating when it hits!!
Don’t let that ruin some wonderful Independence Day celebrations. Be sure to stock up on the cut flowers, beautiful red, white and lavender Gladiolas would make such a stunning display! Erdmann Farms is working through this heat to bring some absolutely breathtaking flowers to the market!
Lavender bundles will be available for $10 each for ordering and at pickup. Our friends Charlotte and Mark have a beautiful lavender farm in College Grove and the harvest this year is spectacular. This variety, Grosso, is incredibly fragrant and it dries so well. The culinary uses are many and it tastes as wonderfully as it smells! Don’t miss out on these.
Benjamin’s Fresh Organic Sprouts continue to be a pickup favorite and Benjamin thanks you all for your support of his venture. He will continue with alfalfa and add some new mixes soon! 2+ ounces for $2 is a great deal!
Sweetpea Bamboo is still available and if you saw it at market pickup last week will know it is good stuff! They have also added SORREL!! Tart, lemony greens for your salads, smoothies and so much more!
STOCK UP and be prepared for your holiday weekend early and local with meats, eggs, produce, vegan seasonings and prepared goodies!
Show your love for Stones River Market with our NEW, REUSABLE market bags! L & L Contractors does it again, sponsoring these awesome bags with our logo on one side and theirs on the other! They are a wonderfully roomy bag! Every order $100 and up will receive a free bag! You may purchase these for $3 each as a fundraiser to purchase more bags and market TEE SHIRTS! These will be listed on the website and available for purchase at pickup as well! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!
Choosing to vote with your dollars at Stones River Market is so incredibly important to us. We know you could go anywhere so the choice to purchase locally, through this market, is very honoring and we thank you so much!
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
Weblog Entry
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Good Morning and Happy Father’s Day!
Rocky Glade Farm will be on summer break for a few months, we look forward to their return and have so much gratitude for the work they do to provide us with healthy produce and eggs from Dylem and Caleb
Flying S Farms will have cabbage, yellow and zephyr squash, 2 types of kale and collards along with our baked items and added a new jam Rhubarb Orange Jam.
Sweetpea Bamboo is still available and if you saw it at market pickup last week will know it is good stuff!
Botanical Harmony Farm is updating packaging/pricing and is adding 3 types of bath salt soaks infused with their wildcrafted/farmgrown herbs and a blend of salts for relaxation, muscle support and an energizing blend!
Come check out what the market brings this week!
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
Weblog Entry
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Good morning everyone!
We hope you enjoyed your weekend and are gearing up for a wonderful week ahead, including getting some of your grocery shopping done with Stones River Market!
Rocky Glade Farm and Seeds of Success will both be off this week and we wish them both well and look forward to their returning!
Linda with Dogwood Valley set up at pickup for the last two weeks displaying and selling her beautiful potted plants. Now that you have had a chance to see them in person, I’m sure there are some plants calling your name (I hear mine!)
BAMBOO!! You asked, Sweetpea delivers! We can custom cut and deliver stakes and poles from 1/2" – 2" diameter and up to 8’ long. Inquiries are welcome about longer lengths or smaller “orchid”-type stakes for house plants. 24" stakes are approximately 1/2" diameter.
Thanks Ken!
Nuance Coffee and Tea has added four new teas, to our offerings, this week.
The new teas are: Organic Egyptian Nile Delta Chamomile, Sasebo Breeze green tea, Tokyo Cherry Blossom green tea, and organic, fair trade, Hibiscus.
Sweet tea drinkers will also love these, regularly stocked, black teas that make the best iced teas you’ll ever taste: Assam Borengajuli Estate (India), Keemun Panda (China), Kambaa or Tinderet Estates (Kenya) and our Blueberry flavored black.
Non Noms Dog Treats does it again with these delicious sounding treats.Many dogs love apples which is great because apples can be a super, healthy treat. Apples contain calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and pectin (soluble fibre). Carrots are low calorie and high in fiber and beta carotene/vitamin A. Flax seed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids that are good for skin and coat. Gluten/Wheat free all-purpose flour, apples, carrots, water, & ground flax seed.
Comes in 6 ounce regular and training sizes.
How about something sweet? Flying S and Hope for Health have you covered!
Double Star Bar Farms bagels and breads are incredible! We have made sandwiches on the bagels for lunch.. what a treat!
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
I left off two things this morning!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
I apologize for the multiple emails but this is important news that didn’t need to be overlooked!
Nuance Coffee and Tea has added four new teas, to our offerings, this week.
The new teas are: Organic Egyptian Nile Delta Chamomile, Sasebo Breeze green tea, Tokyo Cherry Blossom green tea, and organic, fair trade, Hibiscus.
Sweet tea drinkers will also love these, regularly stocked, black teas that make the best iced teas you’ll ever taste: Assam Borengajuli Estate (India), Keemun Panda (China), Kambaa or Tinderet Estates (Kenya) and our Blueberry flavored black.
Also,Bnjamin’s Fresh Sprouts
Benjamin will have more Fresh Organic Alfalfa Sprouts (on the “extras” table, at pickup, only right now)! Thank you for supporting his efforts! As he earns more money, he will have more and different types of sprouts! Thanks so much!See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
Choices and our awesome sponsors!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Good morning!
As we head full-swing into regular “market season”, our producers/makers are working overtime to provide our pantries and all-natural needs as best we can. We cannot thank you enough for your continued support of this market and local folks striving to provide!
Have you noticed the BEAUTIFUL wood furniture at L & L Contractors ? It is for sale from Rustic River Creations (on the web and on facebook). The family sources wood from old barns in the community and crafts them into one of a kind pieces that cannot be ignored! Yet another way L & L Contractors proves how much they support local and their beloved community home!
Now to the wonderful choices this week:
PRODUCE! Wonderful abundance!
Rocky Glade Farm offers us
Broccoli Florets by the pound
Happy Rich
Collard Greens
Starbor Kale
Swiss Chard
Garlic Scapes
Romaine lettuce
Red Gold Potatoes
More produce from
Flying S Farm
Frontier Family Farms
White City Produce
Rainbow Hill has PLANTS! Get a garden going or a second planting of your favorites for a longer harvest! She says they have a LOT of heirloom starts so be sure to check them out!
There’s so much on offer this week from all our amazing producers!
Tea, Coffee, Dog Treats, Vegetarian/Vegan offerings, Skin Care, Baked goods galore!
We thank you for making Stones River Market a continued success. Every week with valued long-term supporters along with new faces, we thank you all so much!
Happy ordering!
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
Feels like summer!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
We have been asked several times recently if we are open year-round. YES!! Every season, you can get the bounty of what our wonderful growers/makers have to offer! This is a wonderful way to live in season!
This week Lynchburg Beef offers a special. Ten pounds of ground beef for $75, a savings of $1 per pound! Stock up now!
Erdmann Farm is back this week and has kale, swiss chard, lettuce, radishes and peonies! Get these while they last!
Did you know kale and swiss chard freezes very well or you can make chips out of them. We even add lettuces to soups. Having these loved cooler season items in the freezer is wonderful to make a quick cheese/greens dip or rice dish…. so versatile!
Nom Noms has added several new items.. including a trainer size treat and frozen options for these blazing hot days.
We have lots of plants still available for your spring plantings! Sweetpea, Rainbow Hill and White City Produce have been steady adding items from 4-packs of plants to singles. No matter the size of your garden or “yarden”, growing food for yourself and our valued pollinators is such an earth win!
Lots of coffee and teas (try them all iced!!) from Nuance, natural skin care from Botanical Harmony Farm
Eggs and bread from Flying S
Double Star Bar Farms also has produce and wonderful bread options!
Thank you for supporting these artisans/producers! We appreciate every word-of-mouth mention, share/like on Facebook, like on Instagram. This tells folks “here is something I love and hope you will too!” Isn’t it wonderful that we either know or have the opportunity to know our producers? That’s community! Please continue to share your ideas, needs and the love for L & L Contractors as we continue to build local, small businesses and our strong community!!
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
Giveaway time again and two loved vendors are back!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Welcome to a new order week and the warmer weather.
We appreciate you all so much and want to hold another giveaway! Just ask Ashleigh, Tracey LOVES to give things away!
Ok, here is how it will work this time, once again very simple. For every person who orders this week, they are entered. We will use a random number generator to draw the winner.
Then we will choose a vendor (via the same method) and the customer winner will receive a $15 certificate to use with that vendor only (paid by the market). This makes it exciting for both the customer AND the vendors:). Good luck and we hope enjoy these fun things!
This week brings us a note from Farrar Farms/Lynchburg Beef. They are back on the market with ground beef and Chorizo
More to come next week along with NEW ITEMS!! Be on the lookout for those!
Blue Porch is ALSO BACK! cold salads and cheese spreads are here in time for picnic season!
Welcome to both vendors!
Rocky Glade Farms has reported that the strawberries are finished for this year! THANK YOU to Jim, Julie and their boys for a delicious, beautiful crop of berries. We are thankful to have them on our market!
They do have this week:
Happy Rich greens and leaves
Swiss chard
Dov romaine
Red butterhead
Garlic Scapes
Broccoli Florets
White City Produce adds sweet potato vines, Gerber daisy, and variegated spider plants.
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at
Check out what this week's offerings!!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Apologies for the announcement of berries last week and then had to pull them back out. Rocky Glade Farm WILL have some this week and they are sure to sell quickly! Here’s a list of what they are listing this week:
24 quarts and 3 gallons berries
Swiss chard
Gai-lan (chinese broccoli)
Broc raab
Hakurei turnips
Happy rich
Garlic scapes—NEW
Seeds of Success adds Cocoa Doodle-Doo (Sun Granola), a crunchy sunflower seed “granola”. Sunflower seeds, oats, and almonds are sweetened with a cocoa agave mixture. This granola has the appeal of cocoa krispies (without the refined sugar). Sunflower seeds provide protein, minerals, and vitamins. Enjoy this granola on its own, or add it to: cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, and fruit (sliced bananas).
Chef Jenny brought some in for us to taste last week and it is DELICIOUS and chocolaty. Try some with West Wind Farms yogurt or kefir or simply pop some in the mouth for a quick snack on the go!
Double Star Bar Farms has added an incredible Pesto that is wonderful with any of his breads… even the bagels! This is a summer must-have for quick meals or additions to more formal cooking.
SweetPea, White City Produce, and Rainbow Hill have new plant additions for your summer garden and perennial herb beds.
See you all Wednesday,
Ashleigh & Tracey
Market Managers
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Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!
I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.
See the complete list of products at