Welcome to the Stones River Market!

Join the Market today and buy local produce from Middle Tennessee

Come Grow with Us!

That good old-fashioned community building, friendly experience you enjoy in a bustling local farmer’s market has now been combined with modern internet technology to better serve you! Supporting yourVegetables local farmers and artisans has now been made easy:

  • Order conveniently from the comfort of your home computer by visiting the market page;
  • Know what you’re purchasing with more information about the farmers, their farming practices and their products on our grower page;
  • Pick up your order on Wednesday in Murfreesboro ;
  • Let your local farmers provide you with fresh vegetables, baked goods, soaps, eggs, meat, chicken and pork, processed foods, pet food, fruit and more added regularly.

VegetablesJoin the Stones River Market today!

To join, create an account by going to the Sign In page and create your account on this website or contact the market manager: Catherine Simmons (615) 542-1078 or stonesrivermarket@gmail.com. Once you have an account you will be notified each Sunday of what is available and you will be able to place your orders.

The Stones River Market is a project of local farmers who wish to better serve you, the local community. The project is modeled after successful on-line farmer’s markets across the country. We are confident that this will be a useful way for you to connect with local food producers. However, this is still new and we expect to grow and change in the first couple of years. We love hearing from you and we appreciate any feedback on how we can better serve you.


Why Support Locally Grown?Vegetables

Enhance local economy: By purchasing produce and other items from local growers you are providing stability to your local economy through the support of local businesses.

Save natural resources: Buying locally makes you an invaluable link in the process of saving resources such as fossil fuels and packaging materials. Also, we are right here in your community so the expense of transportation and delivery is kept to a minimum.

Provide learning opportunities: Locally Grown supporters provide member growers the means to help educate our community about the importance of sustainable agriculture.

Supporting a way of life: The number of small farms in the United States has decreased dramatically in the last decade. Please help us preserve an honest and worthy means of making a living.

Ordering Options

Unlike other co-ops, buying clubs, or CSAs where everyone gets the same box of stuff (and you don’t know what you’re getting until you get it), with Locally Grown you get to order what you want, in the quantities that you want, from the farms that you want. The weekly email lists the produce, milled products, fresh flowers, and artisan goods available that week, and you can browse the items on this website before you place your order.

Other Important Items

Placing Orders

Each Sunday morning, an e-mail is sent to everyone with an active account announcing the Market is open for ordering. Customers must place their order for the week any time after that email goes out, but no later than Monday at 10:00 p.m. Orders are placed here on our website.

Growers and producers receive their orders that same night to harvest or make on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Picking Up Orders


Winter Hours: From 4:00 until 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, families can pick-up their products at Martins’s Home and Garden, 1020 NW Board Street, Murfreesboro.

If you would like to purchase a gift of health and flavor, please consider a Locally Grown gift certificate. You can decide the amount and the lucky recipient can purchase locally grown produce!