The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Time to order!
Stones River Market
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Market News
WELCOME new market family members!! We are thrilled you joined us and hope you will take some time to browse and add Stones River into your weekly shopping!
The market is open for ordering until 10 pm tomorrow night and the weather is perfect for some greens, squash, jams, beef, chicken, eggs and so much more!
Harris with Virgin Bay Seafood will be set up this week!
Anne E Mays Gluten Free Goodies says:
My sweet Abbie would love to bless your family with a gluten free pie for Thanksgiving. Our gluten free Apple, Fudge and Pecan pie, were a huge hit last year at our market and we even sold a bunch at the Nolensville Feed Mill! Preorders are welcome and preferred, so our bakers have lots of time to prepare your from scratch pies. Please *note on your order that it is for delivery on Thanksgiving week. Our pies may arrive frozen to ensure safe transport.
Watch for samples at the market in coming weeks.
Erdmann Farm is off for several weeks. We look forward to John’s return.
Linda with Dogwood Valley Greenhouse says:
is now offering pre-orders on Christmas decorations. Pre-orders will be available through the Nov 15 market. After that the retail prices will be effective.Kissing Ball on hanger – about 13-15" diameter – retail $35, pre-sale 10% discount = $31.50
Christmas Basket Centerpiece – about 10" in diameter – retail $20, pre-sale 10% discount = $18
Wreath – on 16" base, measuring around 22-24" diameter – retail $27, pre-sale 10% discount = $24
These Christmas decorations are all handmade by me, from all natural materials gathered from my property or the local Christmas tree farm, except for the bright red berries and ribbons. All will be in limited quantities, but pre-sale orders will be guaranteed.
Ok, if you haven’t tried Short Mountain Cultures Kefir waters… you and your gut health are missing a trick! SO DELICIOUS, every single one of them! The grape delivers that well loved “soda” flavor. the Pear Cardamom is subtle and I couldn’t put that one down! Had to find a bit of self control!
Have a great start to your week and as always, we thank you so much for supporting LOCAL producers/makers!See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Good Morning!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
WOW! What a great day to say we live and are supportive citizens of Murfreesboro and Middle Tennessee!
Murfreeboro showed love, as usual! What a beautiful community to call home and know that LOVE does win!
Thank you for all who supported the market last week and every week. Some of our farmers were unable to earn much-needed money on the last day of the Saturday Farmers Market so your continued support here means the world!
On to the market news:
Erdmann Farm has listed peppers, pumpkins, and radishes. If we do not get the predicted frost for this week, he will have Zinnia bouquets as an added treat! Peppers and Pumpkins both freeze well for winter use!
Flying S Farms Has a great assortment of squash along with frost-kissed greens! (the frost makes the greens have a sweeter taste!)
She also moved the Pumpkin and Orange Cranberry Breads from the Cakes tab to Quick Breads for easier access.
Check out those along with their Crab Apple and Maypop Jellies!
If you have yet to try Short Mountain Cultures Coconut Kefir, DO IT!! It is creamy and only slightly tangy! Loaded with essential probiotics and GOOD strains of bacteria for improved gut health which can assist in many areas of healing and health maintenance! Try it and the Water Kefir this week!
Who tried the micro greens from Urban Sprouts ? WOW! Delicious and packed full of nutrition as well. We added the pea shoots to duck egg wraps this week! Just eating them straight from the container works for me as well!
Nature’s Wealth added a Gallon size popped popcorn in addition to the quart size. Perfect for on-the-go snacks. The sealable bag keeps the corn fresh for days! Their popping corn seeds are grown on their farm, using Heirloom, non-gmo corn kernels!
What an incredible and FULLY stocked market we have of locally grown or produced products! Makes me PROUD!
From Beef, to chicken sausage, duck and chicken eggs, soaps and natural skin care, hummus, tempeh, ferments, greens, jams, baked goods, vegetables and live plants… it’s pretty amazing how our farmers/makers have shown up for us and we for them.
Thank you again, for your support of this community market! We love you!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Good evening!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
I don’t normally send more than one email per week.
Since I have heard from folks, in the past, who forget to order as the week gets underway. This is a reminder that you have until 10 pm tonight! Lots of variety, still have plenty of apples and pumpkins.
I included this week’s original email for anyone who missed it!
Now that the Saturday Market on the Square has wrapped up for the season, could you do us a favor and spread the word that they can still purchase local and wonderful products from their own community throughout the year? Share it on Facebook, word of mouth, need some flyers? Let us know! We want to reach friends and neighbors who are searching for something like Stones River but haven’t found us yet.
WELCOME to Urban Sprout !!
Brandon writes:
“Hello Stones River Market! We are happy to start supplying the market with delicious microgreens. We sell sunflower, pea, and radish microgreens in small ($3) and large ($10) sizes. try our microgreens in your meal to add a boost of flavor and nutrition!”
Find these under the Micro-greens and sprouts tab.
Flying S Farms has added a Maypop (passionfruit) jelly. Maypop has a wonderful ‘floral’ scent jelly and mild taste similar to apple.
Erdmann Farm has lots of Field pumpkins for your carving and seed roasting pleasure! Get yours from a trusted, local grower! He also has roasting pumpkins! If you love pumpkin pie, roasting your own takes that from-scratch recipe up a couple notches!
Botanical Harmony Farm has plenty of Non-Gmo, Free-Range duck eggs still on sale this week! Gathered several times each day, get them while the ducks are happily still laying!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
NEW grower comes to the market!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Hello All!
Now that the Saturday Market on the Square has wrapped up for the season, could you do us a favor and spread the word that they can still purchase local and wonderful products from their own community throughout the year? Share it on Facebook, word of mouth, need some flyers? Let us know! We want to reach friends and neighbors who are searching for something like Stones River but haven’t found us yet.
WELCOME to Urban Sprout !!
Brandon writes:
“Hello Stones River Market! We are happy to start supplying the market with delicious microgreens. We sell sunflower, pea, and radish microgreens in small ($3) and large ($10) sizes. try our microgreens in your meal to add a boost of flavor and nutrition!”
Find these under the Micro-greens and sprouts tab.
Flying S Farms has added a Maypop (passionfruit) jelly. Maypop has a wonderful ‘floral’ scent jelly and mild taste similar to apple.
Erdmann Farm has lots of Field pumpkins for your carving and seed roasting pleasure! Get yours from a trusted, local grower! He also has roasting pumpkins! If you love pumpkin pie, roasting your own takes that from-scratch recipe up a couple notches!
Botanical Harmony Farm has plenty of Non-Gmo, Free-Range duck eggs still on sale this week! Gathered several times each day, get them while the ducks are happily still laying!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
BIG Announcements this week!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
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On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Good morning!
Short Mountain Cultures has added WATER KEFIR (in Mango and Grape Flavors!! WOW) to their already amazing lineup! Recently, they gave us Coconut Kefir and already its a hit! Find both of these items under Fermented Foods
Very exciting news from the awesome folks from Short Mountain! They work hard to bring you truly LOCAL in all that they make. Sourcing vegetables and even the beans/legumes as locally and organic as possible!
All so very important!
We are sad to be losing Smirk ice cream as they send this note:
Hello Stonesriver Market members! With great regret we need to inform you that Smirk Ice Cream will no longer be available through Stones River Farmer’s Market after this week. We have enjoyed our time on the market, are incredibly grateful to our loyal customers and look forward to being able to serve you through other means in the future. Please place your final orders for delivery this week and then you can visit to find out how to purchase your favorite fruit sweetened ice cream from then on.
Thank you again and good luck to each of you!
Aaron and Nicole Sanborn
Owners of Smirk Ice Cream
The Krafty Kupboard
She has her seasonal fall treats! Apple butter, spiced pumpkin butter, hot cocoa mix as well as other cool weather favorites such as soup mixes, bread mixes, granola, trail mix and more!
I am excited to share that Dogwood Valley Greenhouse would like to offer a special for the next two weeks (this week is the FINAL week for this sale) – BOGO on Hardy Begonias. I have added this special to the market as a separate item under live plants.
I would also like to open pre-orders on Christmas decorations.
Kissing Balls on hangers – about 13-15" diameter – retail $35, pre-sale 10% discount = $31.50
Christmas Basket Centerpiece – about 10" in diameter – retail $20, pre-sale 10% discount = $18
Wreaths – on 16" base, measuring around 22-24" diameter – retail $27, pre-sale 10% discount = $24
These Christmas decorations are all handmade by me, from all natural materials gathered from my property or the local Christmas tree farm, except for the bright red berries and ribbons. All will be in limited quantities, but pre-sale orders will be guaranteed.
Find the Christmas decorations under the Seasonal Items tab!
Nature’s Wealth has added popped popcorn! Our heirloom small kernel popcorn popped up for you.
Botanical Harmony Farm has plenty of Non-Gmo, Free-Range duck eggs still on sale this week! Gathered several times each day, get them while the ducks are happily still laying!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Time to order!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Good morning Middle Tennessee! So happy to have this cool rain!
This morning we have some news from The Krafty Kupboard
She has her seasonal fall treats beginning this week! Apple butter, spiced pumpkin butter, hot cocoa mix as well as other cool weather favorites such as soup mixes, bread mixes, granola, trail mix and more!
These make wonderful quick meals or sides or take along to a fun fall potluck or bonfire party!
Flying S Farms has added Poblano peppers and White Mountain Half Runner green beans to their vegetable line-up!
I am excited to share that Dogwood Valley Greenhouse would like to offer a special for the next two weeks – BOGO on Hardy Begonias. I have added this special to the market as a separate item under live plants.
I would also like to open pre-orders on Christmas decorations.
Kissing Balls on hangers – about 13-15" diameter – retail $35, pre-sale 10% discount = $31.50
Christmas Basket Centerpiece – about 10" in diameter – retail $20, pre-sale 10% discount = $18
Wreaths – on 16" base, measuring around 22-24" diameter – retail $27, pre-sale 10% discount = $24
These Christmas decorations are all handmade by me, from all natural materials gathered from my property or the local Christmas tree farm, except for the bright red berries and ribbons. All will be in limited quantities, but pre-sale orders will be guaranteed.
Find the Christmas decorations under the Seasonal Items tab!
Smirk ice cream is on the market this week! Stock up as they are on a bi-weekly schedule!
Nature’s Wealth has added popped popcorn! Our heirloom small kernel popcorn popped up for you.
Botanical Harmony Farm has plenty of Non-Gmo, Free-Range duck eggs still on sale this week! Gathered several times each day, get them while the ducks are happily still laying!
If all this change in weather has your skin feeling a bit off, try one of our Whipped Body Butter varieties! Great for a lighter moisturizer and even an all-natural makeup remover! Goes perfectly with one of our soaps (all are formulated to be safe for face and body (even hair washing!) and a facial toner that is right for your skin! Try a weekly masque for extra firming and skin purifying!
Erdmann Farm is still off this week.
Ferris Family Farm has LOTS of different types of peppers for stir-fries, hot sauce making, roasting and more! Peppers freeze very well for winter use.
Also, Check out our market family member, Amber Simons Facebook, Instagram pages and Blog Holistic Happiness She has an event coming up in Murfreesboro at Revolution Health Center Meal Planning for Healthy Families along with Ann Green on October 22 from 3-4 pm. See her pages for more info!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Time to order!
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Happy First day of October! Let’s celebrate this wonderful change of season and welcome in cooler temps with some fresh, local foods!
Flying S Farms has added a Friendship Banana Bread in half and full loaf! Banana Pecan Friendship Bread has a lighter texture than the typical Banana Breads. Wonderful flavor and great toasted or dress it up for a dessert with ice cream or whip cream. They can be frozen for later use and some say the flavors are richer after frozen.
Erdmann Farm is off for several weeks.
Smirk is off this week.
Double Star Bar Farms has the BEST candied baby ginger! The fibrous option in the store pales in comparison! Tender, sweet with a touch of gingery spice! Get it while it lasts this season.
Don’t forget the best bagels in town for a wonderful meal option.
We have lovely fall vegetables and still some summer favorites coming in!
Meats, eggs, milk, butter, cereals, grain mixes and so much more!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Market weather and harvest are continuing to be wonderful!
Time to stock up on local foods from growers/makers you trust!
What I love about eating seasonally and locally is that variety is never an issue. Seasonal, fresh vegetables along with locally made krauts, tempeh, meats, eggs and seasonings, grains and some treats make for a wonderfully healthy diet. Plus, it *kind of * satisfies the hunter/gatherer in us all! A grocery store doesn’t provide near the fun or deliciousness!
Double Star Bar Farms has the BEST bagels around and customers agree that they smell and taste delicious! They also have candied ginger and fresh ginger! Grab yours while you still can! Once it’s gone for the season, it’s gone!
This week Farrar Beef has listed holiday pre-order items: whole beef tenderloins, standing rib roasts and more!
Botanical Harmony Farm has added more duck eggs and they are on sale this week for $6.50 per dozen! We are gathering so many each day and these are delicious hard-boiled, used in baking and so much more! One customer states that they are easier for her to digest than chicken eggs. Studies show that the pH of a duck egg is better suited for most human bodies! Give them a try while they are so abundant!
Don’t forget the wonderful milk and butter we have listed from the Amish Mennonites…. Michael Raines of Frontier Family Farm brings his orders plus gathers those of all the Mennonites who are local to him to bring us wonderful and rich full-cream milk, butter and the delicious fingerling potatoes from Nature’s Wealth
Smirk is back this week.
Be sure to check out the on-the-go items we have from The Krafty Kupboard , Flying S Farms Ann E Mays’ Gluten Free Goodies.
Thank you so much for supporting local! We love our community and market family!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Weblog Entry
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Market weather and harvest are continuing to be wonderful!
Time to stock up on local foods from growers/makers you trust! As always, if you have any questions about ingredients or growing practices/feed and care of animals… Contact the grower! All of us are local, we are community and are happy to answer and be of assistance when possible!
This week Farrar Beef has listed a (Beef) 1/8 Bulk Share (50 lbs) This includes many “stock the freezer” items and they never use steroids, hormones or antibiotics in their cattle! EVER!
Who doesn’t love chocolate?? This week Ann E Mays is cooking up a batch of delicious chocolate chip pecan cookies and chocolate fudge cake! These are age old recipes converted to gluten free. But don’t knock it till you try it! You will never know they are missing the wheat!
Flying S Farms has some Carnival and Acorn Squashes listed!
Smirk will be off this week as they are on the bi-weekly schedule!
Botanical Harmony Farm has listed more NON-GMO feed, free-range duck eggs! Our ducks are housed in our barn with the goats and chickens in the evening, for their protection from coyotes and foxes. During the day, they are free to roam our acreage and have a hand-dug pond (dug by my boys with shovels over a period of several years with plans to enlarge!) in which to frolic to their sweet duck contentment!
When we say free-range, we mean that! They go anywhere the chickens go… front yard to the orchard, back to the pond, to the pasture to visit the goats and muddy their water and then back to the pond again until evening when they expect a treat before bed!
Can we just say that we have had the pleasure of the most amazing host sites? Such community-minded people who are always willing to lend a hand, host an event, help out a charity… Tracy Toy of Quinn’s Mercantile is such an inspiration! She is always ready to help, get involved, promote the downtown beauty of where she lives or help others achieve their goals!
We are proud to be on the porch each week and hope that everyone goes in to support Tracy’s store and help spread the word about what she offers and how amazing she is! We appreciate you so much Tracy!
See ya on the porch!!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at
Weblog Entry
Stones River Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
Good morning everyone! With the heavy rains due to head our way this week, we will play it by ear as to whether we will be inside or on the porch but we do plan to be open as usual!
We are enjoying these beautiful fall days at Ann E. Mays Gluten Free Goodies,and we are craving some good fall flavors! This week we are baking up a delicious family recipe for Gluten free Apple Butterscotch cake, gluten and dairy free Apple Pecan muffins, and Potato Chip Bark! As always, our goodies freeze great so don’t be afraid to order and save for later!
Smirk ice cream is on this week so stock up for the two week run!
Double Star Bar Farms is back with us and has baby ginger and the amazing candied ginger.
Valentine Family Farm has some of their incredible pickles back in stock! Okra, Caulifower, eggs, and cucumbers!
Carefully selected herbs and wildflowers are infused into the brine to deliver a subtle and complex flavor that is sure to win you over!
We have plenty of chicken and duck eggs to choose from. From organic, non-gmo to conventionally fed, we have you covered!
Ask your farmers how they feed and keep their chickens!
Erdmann Farm is back with us this week with peppers and more!
See ya on the porch (or inside)!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at