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The Market is Back Open - March Schedule Update

This post expired on March 01, 2025.

Stones River Market

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Market News

We dodged a bullet this past week. We did receive the snow that was predicted but fortunately it arrived after everyone had picked up their orders. Temperatures are warming some this week so maybe Spring is not too far away.

Many of you know that I like to keep the Market open all year round. This month I am having to change that. Due to some logistics issues later this month, we will be closed the week of March 15th. Begin planning for that one week closure and stock up on needed items. I will send a reminder notice next week as well.

Other news from the Market:

Frontier Family Farm has added a couple new lettuces. We have really enjoyed having his greens all winter long.

Double Star Bar Farms is adding French Baguettes to his listings of atisinal breads.

Nuance Coffee & Tea has added several new coffees to their offerings this week. They Include: Zambia, Colombian Peaberry, Burundi, and Guatemala. The popular Malawi Mzuzu Peaberry is back in stock too.

There are plenty of other products available this week. Browse the categories to see what your will find.

Thanks so much for your support of Stones River Market, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. We’ll see you on Wednesday at Southern Stained Glass at 310 West Main Street from 5:00 to 6: 30 pm!


Please, share your recipes with us on the Recipes tab. We’d all love to know how you use your Stones River Market products, so we can try it too!

I am taking a break from recipes. Look for them to return soon.

I thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!


See the complete list of products at