The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry
Stones River Market
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Market News
Good morning!
Hope you all enjoyed a few days of lovely sun!
Rocky Glade Farm is here this week, which means Dylem and Caleb’s eggs are as well!
They also bring:
Yukina Savoy (Asian green like tatsoi, very mild), Kale, Spinach, Bok Choi, Swiss Chard, Garlic Bundles, Butterkin Winter Squash (you can use this to make butternut soup!), and our last few bottles of honey for this season! (Stock up!)
Stock up on your favorite breads, frozen soups and prepared foods this week for quick, filling meals!
John with Short Mountain Cultures will have a tasting table set up this week. Learn how you can incorporate healthy tempeh and cultured foods into your diet, how to prepare them, and diversify your weekly meals with these incredible offerings!
Please be sure to check out all that our market has to offer! Some of the BEST locally grown, made or sourced goods around! I am constantly amazed at how much our vendors care about health and living a more sustainable lifestyle while trying to earn a living from selling the very things that help aid that. It can be a difficult balance and I hope it shows in the quality and care that our vendors provide. Thank you for supporting the market and small businesses!
Don’t forget that we can deliver to your door! Select delivery, from the market product section and add to your cart ,check that your address is correct in the system, set a cooler out and we will deliver during the normal pickup hours on Wednesday.
See you Wednesday!
Tracey & Ashleigh
See the complete list of products at