
Whitamorn Natural Farm

Website: 10143 Bunker Hill

We are every day country folk like most of you. We are committed to sustainable living without the interference of chemicals and corporations. You will find that most of our animals are heritage breeds and most of our plants come from heirloom seeds. We are continually striving to save our own seeds, produce our own food, improve our knowledge, and live each day enjoying the beauty that God has provided.
We are especially talented in the art of preparing meals utilizing fresh herbs and fresh ingredients with flavor to rival the best culinary chefs in order to help each person regain and maintain their health in order to enjoy their senior years as much or more than their younger years.
Some of our current offerings are:
Pasture raised eggs – Our hens are fed a low corn diet to keep the inflammatory process caused by corn at bay. The girls enjoy oats, fresh water, fermented grains, lots of green, ACV (apple cider vinegar), DE dust baths, yeast, probiotics, and more.
Raw goat milk – We raise American Alpines and reap tremendous benefits from their loving personalities and adorable antics. Our goats enjoy pasture, fresh grass hay, alfalfa hay, probiotics, vitamins, and more. Our goat milk is gathered through a closed system and is strained twice and then immediately cooled to preserve the naturally sweet flavor of their milk.
Raw goat kefir – Our kefir is made from the sweet milk our girls give and then cultured. This produces a wonderfully creamy product rich in probiotics, beneficial bacteria, and is a great healing agent for those who are lactose intolerant.
Herbs – We have a variety of fresh herbs through out the years. All our grown in our raised beds with the benefits of our naturally composted materials.
Produce – Our produce varies with the seasons and as our knowledge increases along with our raised beds. All our farming techniques are those that contain no chemicals and rely instead on rotation / and natural resources.
Hatching Eggs / Baby chicks – At various times we will have hatching eggs and/or baby chicks available. The breeds we raise at the current time are: Amerucanas, Black Copper Marans, Blue Copper Marans, Light and Buff Brahmas, Salmon Faverolles, Blue/Silver Laced/Partridge Cochins, Welsummers, Buff Orpingtons, Silver Grey Dorkings,
Ducks – We currently have new baby ducklings. We are raising the Silver Appleyard and Saxony breeds. We will keep you posted as we have eggs, hatching eggs, and ducklings available.
Turkeys – All our turkeys are heritage breed birds. We currently have Bourbon Reds and will soon have chicks available. This year we have added a few new breeds. Those are the Chocolate, Lilac, and the Fall Fire. We are excited as we watch these birds mature.
Finally we offer farm care for your farm and/or animals in times when you must be gone. As a small family farm, we know the importance of having someone with honesty, knowledge, and a good work ethic to care for your farm. We can customize this service to your distinct needs. I have served many years as a veterinary technician specializing in surgical procedures so I bring a little more experience than most pet type agencies. We offer everything from farm care to caring for your beloved pets.
Thank you for looking over our farm. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labors!

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